The Knitting Guild Association's Next Level Knitting Conference is coming up in about six weeks. This annual virtual event continues to be a great opportunity to improve your skills, whatever your knitting level. I've been very fortunate to teach for this group multiple times. This year I'm teaching "Legible Double-Knitting," which is a subset of my old " Practical Double-Knitting " class. Whenever I teach for TKGA, I review and update my handout and samples. In this situation, I took a piece of a class and made it a stand-alone lesson. I added in some new material. I needed a new swatch. The obverse side of my swatch has the letter "k" for knit five times. The blue letter is on a white background. The reverse side has multiple options. From top to bottom: random identical legible with inverse colors (Rik Schell's method) legible with inverse colors (traditional method) normal non-legible double-knitti...
Of all the color tools I have, Color Grid by Gail Callahan is probably the most unusual. It costs $7.95 plus $3.50 for shipping and handling, although the $3.50 will cover shipping up to four grids. Most of my color tools are cards or decks or color wheels. This one is a glossy-print grid with a viewer. In some ways, it is almost like a slide ruler. The grid has 12 colors based on the classic red-blue-yellow painter's color wheel. Pure hues run down the middle of the grid, with five tints above and five shades below. There are no tones. The viewfinder has a 3 by 3 grid of holes. The center hole is larger than the surrounding eight. And the viewer has a thin rectangular box. To use the tool, place the viewer on the grid, centering the large hole on the color that most closely matches your main color. The viewer then shows you surrounding colors that make a good analogous color scheme, as well as complementary colors way over on the other side of the colo...