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October without SAFF

Well, here we are in October. For us southeastern crafters, we should be coming up on Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair. But we all know what happened to Asheville on 27 September 2024. I had expected to spend this week planning and packing and driving up to the mountains for a lovely weekend with friends. This year SAFF and Rhinebeck were again scheduled for the same weekend. I understand that beginning next year, SAFF is on the fourth weekend for a decade. That means 10 years of Rhinebeck weekend followed by SAFF weekend. The world is slowly moving back into alignment. Dragon side In anticipation of SAFF, I worked diligently and monogamously on Dragons' Lore . This is the two-faced double-knit scarf designed by Rik Schell of Purl's Yarn Emporium . I purchased the scarf kit in January when I was nearby at Kanuga. I'd had nearly annual conversations with Rik at SAFF. I knew he had developed an alternative way of working two-faced double-knits
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A Little Scary

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