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Showing posts from October, 2015

Spinzilla 2015

Last week was Spinzilla 2015. Spinzilla is the week-long spinning competition/excuse to ignore housework. Last year I spun lots of little sample bits from my stash. I still have quite a few sample bits in the stash, but most of those I didn't want to spin during Spinzilla. I didn't want to spin the cotton, because that isn't fast. I have quite a few undyed exotic fibers, but I'm thinking about dyeing them and making mad batts, so those weren't ready for spinning. And I have several fibers I hope to corespin, so those weren't ready, either. This year I chose much less interesting spinning than last year. I started with some Ashland Bay color fusion top. Last year I spun the same top in the mixed berry colorway. This year I spun the cyan colorway. This was commercial top with some color variation but not too much -- mostly tints and shades of the same hue or closely-related hues, rather than a mix of many disparate colors. I purposely spun a fine three-ply....