Recently I've been trying to focus on the half-worked projects lying around. One of those was a repair — a very difficult repair. Back in 2011 I reworked the Serpent of Eternity socks in a way that involved double-knitting. And then at some point, I wore them and put them in the wash. There was a weak spot in the yarn at the top of the sock. The movement in the wash broke the yarn. I ended up with a hole in the double-knitting. I had tried previously to mend this, but failed. Finally, I found a day when I thought the stars might be aligned. I started by putting pins in the hole to prevent further raveling. The pink is a cable needle in the interior of the i-cord edge. Then I spent a lot of time looking at the sock. I knit this a decade ago. Did I even remember what I did? The technique I used was a monochromatic double-knit. There was no purling in the sock. When I wanted a purl, I knit from the other side of the work. The result is the yarn ju...
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