Since I posted a picture of my house in winter, I thought I'd post another of it in springtime. This picture was taken a couple weeks ago on 8 April, so today that pink dogwood in front is a lot more green and a lot less pink. Springtime is my favorite time of year in Atlanta. It creeps in around early March, although I've seen crocus or hardy daffodiles in bloom here in late February. In mid-March there's a week of bradford pear whiteness. Then the cherry trees bloom for about ten days. Azaleas run about three or four weeks, as varieties bloom at different times. Dogwoods also last much of April. In my neighborhood this week, I've seen tulips and iris. And I took a hike around Kennesaw Mountain last Friday and saw several different types of wildflowers. I do not, however, know the names of any of the stuff I saw. Today's high was around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so we are at the beginning of the warm weather. As we head into May, summer will take hold. More about that...
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