The scarf has an interesting construction -- by now, you expect nothing less from me, yes? -- but you'll get to read more about that after the pattern is published. I also have better pictures to show the shape and the pattern. The scarf should be in the STITCHES South fashion show on Friday 15 April. If things go very well, the scarf may be at the Skacel booth and the pattern might even be available for purchase that weekend; but let's not hold anybody to that, okay?
The scarf has an interesting construction -- by now, you expect nothing less from me, yes? -- but you'll get to read more about that after the pattern is published. I also have better pictures to show the shape and the pattern. The scarf should be in the STITCHES South fashion show on Friday 15 April. If things go very well, the scarf may be at the Skacel booth and the pattern might even be available for purchase that weekend; but let's not hold anybody to that, okay?