The Knitting Guild Association's Next Level Knitting Conference is coming up in about six weeks. This annual virtual event continues to be a great opportunity to improve your skills, whatever your knitting level. I've been very fortunate to teach for this group multiple times. This year I'm teaching "Legible Double-Knitting," which is a subset of my old " Practical Double-Knitting " class. Whenever I teach for TKGA, I review and update my handout and samples. In this situation, I took a piece of a class and made it a stand-alone lesson. I added in some new material. I needed a new swatch. The obverse side of my swatch has the letter "k" for knit five times. The blue letter is on a white background. The reverse side has multiple options. From top to bottom: random identical legible with inverse colors (Rik Schell's method) legible with inverse colors (traditional method) normal non-legible double-knitti...
Advanced, esoteric, perfectionist knitting including free patterns, reviews of books and products, and illustrated technique tutorials.